Tag Archives: PowerBook

iPod Shuffle Now Gets Ozaki iCommand !

This is an iPod shuffle available for just $18. The name of this shuffle is Ozaki iCommand that is the third generation to work with common third party headphones. Moreover, it can feature you an integrated volume controls on one side and a multifunction ability for Play, Pause and Track. The glossy black adapter can extend the shuffle by on inch to cover its power switch while extending its 3.5mm headphone port.

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Talking Shuffle iPod With 4GB Storage – Apple Releases Smaller Than The Smallest !

Apple has launched its new mini iPod shuffle for music entertainment; it is a third generation iPod shuffle. You can have this iPod shuffle for just $79. This device has no buttons in its body. The storage capacity of this device is 4GB that can be used to store up to 1000 songs. It is just 2 inch long and comes in rectangular.

Want to know about iPod Tube Speaker ?

Apple iPod Shuffle

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